How to choose windows frames and door systems
in Consumers
Which type of frame is suitable for my needs?
A window or door should allow the entrance of natural light; satisfy the need for insulation, security, interior space functionality while offering an acceptable quality - to – cost ratio.
The decision should be taken at the beginning of the design process and take into account the climatic conditions of the building site as well as the architectural style of the building itself. Careful consideration should be given to the appropriate window system and type. For example, an economical system has more design restrictions compared to a high performance one.
Alumil categorizes its window frame systems in opening and sliding:
Opening systems
- They offer effective insulation, high safety; they are available in several types and typologies and support glazing, insects net, shutters or external rolls
- The span reaches the whole system opening dimensions, but needs a big interior space in order to be functional
- Are mostly used in South Europe and mainly placed in individual and rural residences as well as in special constructions
- They are also used in replacements / refurbishments of old wooden frames
- Are ideal for traditional style contractions
- Are available with or without thermal isolation
- Compared to sliding aluminium systems they offer unlimited applications and solutions. They also incorporate a lot of accessories and mechanisms, covering each particular requirement, thus being priced higher
Sliding systems
- Economy of space is the main advantage of these systems. Thus, they are mainly used in mass constructions – blocks of flats - where economy of space is a necessity
- Sliding systems consist a trait of the Greek window market and used to have the largest market share in the ' 70s and ' 80s
- The current lines are fully adapted to the market needs and offer high sound reduction and heat insulation attributes
- They need minimum space in order to function and support glazing, insects net, shutters and external rolls
- They can either be embodied in the wall (offering the full extent of the opening) or placed externally
- They can also be double-folded in the centre of the opening, or parallel moving one on top of the other or multi-door with proportional operation